June Newsletter
Welcome to the June edition of the Luwero Newsletter Two new wells drilled Following the plea for help to address the...
Progress on the new wells
Work continues on the construction of both male and female dormitory blocks for the secondary school. Work on the...
Pastors’ Conference and Bible School 2019
Report from Ernie Bayton I sincerely thank everyone for their prayerful support for and interest in my most recent...
Kiltwalk 2019
A heartfelt thank you to all our supporters and sponsors from the Luwero 2019 team. On Sunday 28th April we set off...
Farm News
The work of the farm continues, despite the hostile conditions it is facing to grow. Crops have been planted recently...
Pastor and Church Leaders’ Conference and Children’s Club
Preparations are in hand for the Pastor and Church Leader’s Conference and Children’s Club being held 29th April to...
School News
School News Dormitory Construction Following the hiatus in construction work on the boys and girls dormitory...
April Newsletter
Welcome to the April edition of the Luwero NewsletterWork about to begin on new wells Following the situation...
Marion’s Visit
Marion, a former ICC Glasgow student with Gabriel, travelled to Luwero recently to spend a fortnight visiting the...
Work about to begin on new wells
Following the situation regarding the chronic shortage of water within the Project, Gabriel and the Trustees have...