February Newsletter
Welcome to the February edition of the Luwero newsletter Gabriel’s Travels Gabriel has been very busy over the month...
P7 and S4 Exam Results and Recommendations
Pupils started back to the nursery, primary and secondary schools on the 2nd of February. Another year of study and hard work commenced, with the hope of good grades and success.
Schools In!
Today sees the start of the new school session in Luwero. Pupils start back today in the nursery, primary and secondary schools.
Christmas Day at Luwero
Gabriel and his team played Santa this Christmas as they held a service to distribute presents during a service in the...
Luwero Community Secondary School
The naming ceremony for Luwero Community Secondary School (formerly Luwero Brilliant High School) took place just...
Annual Review 2018
A copy of the Trustees' Report for this year can be found by clicking on the link below....
December News Update
New name for the secondary school Luwero Brilliant High School has had its name changed! It will now be known as...
December Newsletter
Welcome to the December edition of the Luwero Newsletter. Baby Dedication Service Gabriel recently led a service...
Duncanrig Secondary School Visit
Duncanrig Luwero Visit 2018 In October this year, 18 pupils and 4 teachers from Duncanrig Secondary School visited The...
Message from Gabriel
Hello Brothers and Sisters Here in Luwero we are all good. The Church is doing great and we have lots of activities...