Welcome to the January edition of our Luwero Newsletter
The Kijjambu Family
Apart from the usual rounds of colds and flu the family are all well.
A husband of one of Deborah’s sisters was murdered recently in an orchestrated brutal attack; please remember Deborah’s family in your prayers.
Here are some photos of the family at Christmas.
The work of the church continues to grow, although a 36 year old lady member died recently. At New Year the church was encouraged by the words in Isaiah 43:19
Behold I am doing a new thing
Isaiah 43:19

An evangelistic outreach into the community took place 19th to 23rd December. 29 people became Christians and are currently attending classes to help them in their new-found faith; they will be baptised at the end of January.
Pastor & Church Leader’s Conference
The 2023 conference is planned for 16th to 20th May; it is anticipated that three speakers, two from Scotland and one from USA, will attend to speak at the conference.
International Christian College Uganda (ICCU)
A 12-part series of teaching seminars has been developed in Scotland and recorded for training pastors.
The modules will be taken to Luwero and, during the pastor’s conference, a select number of candidates will be trained in the use of the equipment, videos and manuals in preparation for them to teach others.
Children’s Club
A small team from the USA hopes to travel to Luwero in May to help run a five-day children’s club in parallel with the pastors’ conference.
The World Health Organisation and Ugandan Government have recently declared that Uganda is free from Ebola following an outbreak of the disease last year.
There were no reported new cases over a 42-day period covering the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023. During the outbreak 142 cases and 55 deaths were reported. The Ugandan authorities have a history of dealing with these issues in a well planned and orderly way.
The new school term commences on Monday 6th February.
Interviews for new secondary school teachers recently took place (26 applicants were interviewed). The secondary school also still needs a new head teacher (3 applicants were recently interviewed).
The country is still facing a national shortage of teachers in both government and private schools.
Dental Clinic
A team of dentists from Scotland are planning a visit to Luwero for a period of three weeks to attend to the dental needs of children at the school and the wider needs of the local community.
Maize has grown well and about 1 acre is expected to be harvested at the end of January.
The ground is currently being prepared for planting potato and cassava in February.
Rain has been plentiful in recent weeks.
The search for more land to purchase for farming purposes continues. Gabriel is confident that some progress on this matter will be made in 2023.
Car part
Gabriel’s 4×4 vehicle is in need of a new fuel pump; a suitable pump was located and has been shipped out to Gabriel.
Please pray for each of the above situations.
Pray for the children and teachers as they return for the next term in February.
Pray for all the upcoming events – the Pastor & Church Leader’s Conference, the Children’s Club and the dental visit.