Duncanrig Luwero Visit 2018
In October this year, 18 pupils and 4 teachers from Duncanrig Secondary School visited The Luwero Community Project. For the previous 10 months pupils, parents, supporters and staff worked hard to raise funds to support the Project. In total the group donated over £20,000 to the project and established the “Duncanrig Luwero Scholarship Bursary Scheme” that will be used to support those in the most need who have no access to education.
In addition to the fundraising, the group managed to collect a large number of donations including:
- clothing, shoes, school bags, football strips and sportswear,
- medical equipment and supplies
- clocks for the church,
- stationery for the school
- oral hygiene products,
- learning and teaching resources,
- cleaning and maintenance equipment,
- spectacles,
- building and decorating equipment,
- games and sport equipment,
- mosquito nets.
While in Luwero the group were involved in supporting the learning and teaching taking place in the nursery, primary and secondary school. This involved delivering lessons, preparing resources for teachers and marking pupils’ work. The group also took part in playing games with the children and undertaking several activities including: harvesting coffee beans from the coffee farm, moving and preparing timber for the new vocational college, taking part in the delivery of church services and helping to feed animals in the farm.
Over the two weeks in Luwero the group had this to say:
“We cannot thank Gabriel, Deborah and everyone in the Luwero community enough for the love and friendship we were shown: it was truly unbelievable. Luwero has become our second home and we sincerely miss our Luwero family. The love and care shown to us from everyone in Luwero is testament to the amazing community it is”.
“We have learned so much from being in Luwero and this has significantly impacted on our own values and mindsets. The friendships and experiences we have made will live with us for a lifetime. We appreciate what we have so much more and no longer take for granted how fortunate we are to lead the lives we live”.
“Pastor Gabriel’s vision is truly inspiring, and the work being undertaken is so important. Pastor Gabriel told us that the most amazing thing we have done by being there, is showing the community how much people elsewhere in the world care about Luwero, and that is what makes the difference. We feel incredibly privileged to have been able to support this vision because it is one that is so worthwhile”.
“Since returning we have been unable to stop speaking about Luwero and how amazing it is. Leaving Luwero was one of the hardest things we have ever had to do, and it was truly heart wrenching to say goodbye. We only wish we could have stayed longer and could do more. However, as they say in Luwero this not goodbye but simply see you soon”.
Here is a video of our times preparing for the visit and raising funds, and of our unforgettable time there.
The Group
Marking in the Primary School
Lesson Planning
Teaching in the Secondary School
Netball Match
Proud of their work
Working Hard
Off to Harvest Coffee
Harvesting the Coffe
Sorting the good from the dross
Friends Together
Staff Team Photo
Enjoying time together
Enjoying time together
Little Movers
Presentation from Sam
Teaching Scottish Words