Shortly after our last Newsletter we learnt that Gabriel had fallen on to the concrete floor of the new church building. He was unconscious for 5 hours. Following extensive X-rays and a CT scan no serious injuries were identified. Occasionally he still suffers from headaches and dizziness. Doctors advise him that this will continue for several months but it will reduce in frequency and intensity as time progresses. We had asked supporters to pray for his complete recovery and God is answering those prayers. Deborah & Priscilla are both well.

Both the Pastor & Church Leader’s conference and Children’s Club at Luwero ran well in May with approximately 500 delegates daily at the conference and 5-600 children daily at the club. We are grateful to a team from Partick Trinity Church of Scotland in Glasgow for leading the children’s club. They were ably assisted by young leaders in Luwero.

At present a Chinese girl from Hong Kong who studied for a while in Glasgow is spending nearly two months at Luwero, enroute home, working as a volunteer in the school. Her contribution to the work at Luwero is greatly valued.
Early in July a 40’-0” container left for shipment to Luwero containing items for the project including a 4×4 vehicle, 1500 chairs for the church, books for the secondary school library, tractor accessories and other equipment for the project. It is due to arrive in mid-August.

Peggy Stanway who has kindly overseen our child sponsorship scheme for the past 10 years has recently retired. Initially about 20 children were being sponsored. From humble beginnings the work grew and now 120 children are sponsored by friends from across the UK and Germany. We thank Peggy for her hard work as our sponsorship co-ordinator. We welcome Krysia Cruickshank who replaces Peggy. All sponsors have been advised of the change.

Plans are in hand for our 10th annual Youth Camp which takes place 5th to 10th September. Gabriel expects 1,000 young people to attend. This year’s theme is ‘The God of the Word and the Word of God’. One of our Directors from Scotland will travel to Uganda to speak at the camp.

The new dining room and kitchen for the primary school is operational. Progress on building the church and new primary school dormitory building continues.

The new primary school kitchen and dining room have now been completed and are fully operational. The style of kitchen – pots heated from wood fires below is typical for rural Uganda. The dining room seats 200 children. The building was constructed over a few months.


Rev Stuart Smith

The 6th annual Pastor and Church Leader’s conference took place between 16th and 20th May. Approximately 500 delegates attended daily with some 400 staying overnight. Those attending came from across Uganda and again this year a small group of pastors came from Kenya. The theme ‘Heaven and Hell’ was chosen by local pastors. Rev Stuart Smith, Glasgow, is pictured on the left addressing the conference delegates.

Delegates received outline notes of the teaching given over 18 sessions by two church leaders from Scotland. Notes were provided in Lugandan or English depending upon the delegate’s preference. Additionally, each delegate was presented with a Bible, older delegates receiving a Lugandan Bible and younger delegates an English translation. Funds for Bibles in both Luganda and English were made available by friends supportive of the work at Luwero.

On the final day of the Pastor & Church Leader’s conference 613 children from the Child Club presented to the pastors a short programme of their week’s activities. Some children’s parents were attending the Conference; others were transported daily to the camp from nearby villages.