Luwero Community Projects

He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25

Luwero Community Projects

Following an evangelistic outreach led by Gabriel Kijjambu in 2004, some 30 people became Christians and formed the nucleus of a new church in Kiryanyonza Village, Luwero.

Luwero Community Projects

Our projects are situated in a rural village of Kiryanyonza, within Luwero district. In 2009 a UK company, Lakeland Limited, generously donated funds with which to build a clinic.

Luwero Community Projects

Several acres of ground are under cultivation at Luwero. In addition, about 7 acres is farmed elsewhere on land owned by a church member. Crops grown include…



The Luwero Vision

Welcome to the Luwero Community Projects.A little over 10 years ago the Luwero Project was the vision of its founder, Gabriel Kijjambu. Since then the vision has increasingly become reality.

The video below shows a welcome message from Gabriel.

Recent News

Luwero Newsletter – July 2024

Luwero Newsletter July 2024. Featuring the recent Pastors’ conference and progress at the new farm.

Luwero Newsletter – April 2024

Welcome to the April 2024 edition of our Luwero Newsletter Family Church Clinic School Land Farm Car Pastor's conference Children's club Family The family are all well except for Peggy, one of the triplets, who continues to struggle with her health. Recently she has...

Luwero Newsletter – January 2024

Welcome to the January 2024 edition of our Luwero Newsletter Family Gabriel's UK visit Land purchase Schools New Year celebrations New churches Family Peggy was recently unwell and was in hospital for four days. She has now returned home and recovering. Deborah,...

This video was made by our friends in Germany who visited Luwero in June 2023.

Luwero in Pictures

Our Projects


Early in the development of the Luwero projects the need to provide good education for the many children and young people in the area was deemed a necessity. The project has established a primary, a secondary school and, recently, a vocational skills college.


Following an evangelistic outreach led by Gabriel Kijjambu in 2004, some 30 people became Christians and formed the nucleus of a new church in Kiryanyonza Village, Luwero. Services initially were held under a tree until a temporary timber building was constructed. The new building…


Our projects are situated in a rural village of Kiryanyonza, within Luwero district. In 2009 a UK company, Lakeland Limited, generously donated funds with which to build a clinic. The single storey building has surgeries together with two small wards where patients can be cared for short-term and some ancillary facilities.


Several acres of ground are under cultivation at Luwero. In addition, about 7 acres is farmed elsewhere on land owned by a church member. Crops grown include maize, coffee, bananas, pineapples, mangoes, beans, corn, potatoes, etc. Livestock, mainly pigs along with some goats, cattle and chickens are kept.